Over 150 Students Learn from GeoPark Well Control Workshop

August 14, 2020

Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 14, 2020

GeoPark gave an online technical talk on well control to more than 150 students and professionals from different universities and countries in Latin America in August.

In the third in a series of talks, GeoPark drilling, completion and workover engineer Andres Vilaro covered concepts of pressure; causes, signals and methods of control of surges; closing procedures; unusual operations; control equipment and prevention. He shared real-life examples and his own personal development experiences.

The event was aimed principally at Petroleum Engineering students at the National University of Comahue in Neuquen province, as well as active members of the Comahue Student Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Within the framework of its sustainability strategy, GeoPark promotes educational projects and activities in the communities neighboring its operations, with the commitment of becoming the neighbor and partner of choice, based on a sustainable relationship of learning and mutual benefit.

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