Helping to improve living conditions of more than 1,200 people in Casanare through medical brigades in partnership with the Colombian Civil Air Patrol in 2024

August 21, 2024

Casanare. August 21, 2024 – We partnered with the Colombian Civil Air Patrol (PAC) to hold two medical brigades in Villanueva and Tauramena, Casanare, in the first half of 2024, benefiting more than 1,200 people. The partnership has now held 13 brigades in Casanare department since 2017, providing more than 8,290 people with free-of-charge specialized medical services.
We firmly believe that medical brigades help improve living conditions of thousands of families in Casanare, and we have supported the PAC in carrying out specialized medical consultations in areas such as dermatology, gynecology, optometry, pediatrics, ultrasound and family planning, as well as gynecologic, ophthalmologic and general surgery. The brigades are directed at families from rural areas, whose access to health services is usually more limited.

The recent brigades in Casanare involved 70 health professionals who performed 456 surgical procedures and 631 clinical treatments. As a result of the ophthalmologic procedures, 582 people will be given pairs of glasses.

“I was waiting for a pediatric appointment for months, but because of the difficulty of getting an appointment and the distance to travel, I couldn’t get an appointment for my children. I signed up for the brigade in Tauramena and while I was there, they gave me appointments for my three children,” said Estefania Estrada, one of the beneficiaries of the Tauramena medical brigade. “I think these activities are very good, because in places like this where the health system has so many challenges, they come and help, spend time with us and give us the opportunity to access health services for our children,” she added.

“We are proud to contribute to our neighboring communities’ well-being and improve their living conditions through high-impact initiatives,” our Nature and Neighbors Manager Anibal Fernandez de Soto said. “This work makes it possible to reduce barriers to access health services and for thousands of families to exercise that right. We thank the Tauramena and Villanueva Mayor’s Offices, the local hospitals, and the Colombian Civil Air Patrol for allowing us to be partners in their pledge to reach where they are needed most.”

Colombian Civil Air Patrol general director Pamela Estrada highlighted the impact that the initiative has had in Casanare, in line with the Patrol’s commitment to transform the lives of Colombians. “During the years that we have partnered with GeoPark, we have brought the hospital to the people who need it most, providing access to high-quality health services. We are very happy to have given more than 8,000 people in Casanare medical, surgical and diagnostic services. Thank you to our partners and volunteers for joining forces to have a positive impact on the quality of life of thousands of people.”

We are committed to continuing to support well-being in Casanare and will continue to lead partnerships and high-impact social investment projects.

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